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2.7.1 menus

Posted: September 5th, 2014, 1:42 pm
by northstar
small scripts for those in 2.7.1


Code: Select all

lightset = [
    lightr = $arg1
    lightg = $arg2
    lightb = $arg3
    if (= $lightbright 0) lightscale

lightscale = [
    if (= $lightbright 0) [
        lightr = (div $lightr 2); lightg = (div $lightg 2); lightb = (div $lightb 2)
    ] [
        lightr = (min 255 (* $lightr 2)); lightg = (min 255 (* $lightg 2)); lightb = (min 255 (* $lightb 2))
lightcmd = [result (concat newent light $lightradius $lightr $lightg $lightb)]

newgui newlight [
    guibutton "sunlight"    "newent light 0 255 255 255"    
	guibutton "spotlight"	"newent spotlight"
	guibutton (lightcmd)
    guitext "color:"
    guicolor (+ (* (+ (* $lightr 256) $lightg) 256) $lightb)
    guislider lightr 0 255
    guislider lightg 0 255
    guislider lightb 0 255
    guilist [
        guicheckbox "bright"    lightbright 1 0 [lightscale]
        guiradio "white"        lightcolour 0 [lightset 255 255 255]
        guiradio "Orange"	    lightcolour 1 [lightset 255 127 0]
        guiradio "yellow"       lightcolour 2 [lightset 255 255 192]
        guiradio "purple"       lightcolour 3 [lightset 255 192 255]        
		guiradio "aqua"    		lightcolour 4 [lightset 0 255 255]		
    guitext "radius:"
    guislider lightradius 0 1024
you can delete newlight 2 & 3 if you wish, or keep them to set custom colors on the preset row... (you might search the menus to see if NL 2&3 are in other menus)
EDIT: newlight 2 & 3 are only located in the "old" newlight

Re: 2.7.1 menus

Posted: September 6th, 2014, 10:43 am
by northstar

Code: Select all

newgui autograss [
guilist [
	guilist [
		guitext "grass dist"
		guitext "grass taper"
		guitext "grass step"
		guitext "grass height"
		guitext "grass scale"	
		guitext "grass anim m/s"
		guitext "grass anim scale"	
	guilist [
		guifield "grassdist"
		guifield "grasstaper"
		guifield "grassstep"
		guifield "grassheight"
		guifield "grassscale"
		guifield "grassanimmillis"
		guifield "grassanimscale"

//guibutton "autograss" "showgui autograss"
just put the guibutton wherever you wish...

Re: 2.7.1 menus

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 10:32 am
by northstar
just my quickedit menu... speeds things up... (shrug) works for me...


Code: Select all

quickeditmenu = [
	guibutton "Savemap" "showgui savemap"
	guibutton "Loadmap" "showgui loadmap"
	guibutton "Full Light" "calclight 1"
	guibutton "Patch Light" "patchlight 1"
	guibutton "Quick Light" "calclight -1"
	guibutton "Optimize map" "remip"
	guibutton "New Entity" "newent light 64 240 200 150"
	guibutton "autograss" "showgui autograss"
	guibutton "waypoints" "showgui waypoints"

newgui quickedit [
	guitab "blend" 
		guitext (concat (getblendbrushname (curblendbrush)))
		guistayopen [guilist [
		guibutton "Prev" [nextblendbrush -1] arrow_bw
		guistrut 2
		guibutton "Next" [nextblendbrush 1] arrow_fw
		guistrut 1
		guitext "Mode"
		guiradio "off" blendpaintmode 0
		guiradio "replace" blendpaintmode 1
		guiradio "dig" blendpaintmode 2
		guiradio "fill" blendpaintmode 3
		guiradio "inverted dig" blendpaintmode 4
		guiradio "inverted fill" blendpaintmode 5		

newgui autograss [
guilist [
	guilist [
		guitext "grass dist"
		guitext "grass taper"
		guitext "grass step"
		guitext "grass height"
		guitext "grass scale"	
		guitext "grass anim m/s"
		guitext "grass anim scale"	
	guilist [
		guifield "grassdist"
		guifield "grasstaper"
		guifield "grassstep"
		guifield "grassheight"
		guifield "grassscale"
		guifield "grassanimmillis"
		guifield "grassanimscale"

//removewaypoint Index
//removewaypointlink First Second

newgui waypoints [
	guibutton "show waypoints"		[debug 32]
	guibutton "hide waypoints"		[debug 0]
	guibutton "drop waypoints"		[dropwaypoints 1]
	guibutton "autofill waypoints"	[experimentalwaypoint 1]
	guibutton "save waypoints"		 [savewaypoints]

Re: 2.7.1 menus

Posted: September 27th, 2014, 12:43 am
by Mike
Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful edits! A big part of the new release will trying to make the menus as possible so this helps a lot! You would also be welcome to be a member of the github. And btw you can chat with us on IRC through the web browser client too: ... t_The_Team

As a note I will be creating a NEW github, the one up there now will be archived probably. Take care!

Re: 2.7.1 menus

Posted: September 27th, 2014, 12:05 pm
by northstar
thank you mike... you are very kind

don't know that i'm really qualified to do or say anything... yet... i'm just sort of mixing and matching, copying and pasting... don't really know the why's of how most things work yet... and i make a lot of mistakes, and sometimes jump to a lot of erroneous conclusions

i've seen some of the great games created in sandbox, and i feel quite humbled with my simple little game here... but most of all i'm just having fun... i look forward to the new github and will certainly look in


Re: 2.7.1 menus

Posted: October 9th, 2014, 12:33 pm
by northstar
my skybox menu...


Code: Select all

skyboxes = "barren daysky meadow hill trough starfield"
numcloudlayers = 5

newgui skies [	
	guilist [
		guilist [			
		genskyitems $skyboxes skyboxes skybox
		guilist [
		guititle "Skyboxes"
		guilist [
		guitext "Spin:		"
		guifield spinsky -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Yaw:		"
		guifield yawsky -8
		guistrut 2
		guitext "Colour (RGB)"
		guilist [
		setcollevels skycol $skyboxcolour
		colfieldsb skycol skyboxcolour []
	guitab "Cloudlayers"
	guilist [
		guistayopen [
		guilist [
		guibutton "Empty" "cloudlayer ^"^"" skybox
		loop i $numcloudlayers [
		guibutton (concatword "clouds " (+ $i 1)) (format "cloudlayer clouds/clouds%1" (+ $i 1))
		guiimage (format "<scale:128,128>packages/%1" (at $guirolloveraction 1)) $skyload 4 1 data/rpg/logo
		guilist [
		guititle "Cloudlayers"
		guilist [
		guitext "Alpha:	"
		guifield cloudalpha -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Fade:	"
		guifield cloudfade -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Height:	"
		guifield cloudheight -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Scale:	"
		guifield cloudscale -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Scroll-X:	"
		guifield cloudscrollx -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Scroll-Y:	"
		guifield cloudscrolly -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Spin:		"
		guifield spincloudlayer -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Yaw:		"
		guifield yawcloudlayer -8
		guistrut 1
		guitext "Colour (RGB)"
		guilist [
		setcollevels "layercol" $cloudcolour
		colfieldsb layercol cloudcolour []
	guitab "Fogdome"
	guilist [
		guilist [			
		guititle "Fogdome"
		guilist [
		guicheckbox "Cap:		" fogdomecap
		guifield fogdomecap -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Clip:		"
		guifield fogdomeclip -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Height:	"
		guifield fogdomeheight -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Min:		"
		guifield fogdomemin -8
		guilist [
		guitext "Max:		"
		guifield fogdomemax -8
		guistrut 1
		guitext "Colour (RGB)"
		guilist [
		setcollevels fdcol $fogdomecolour
		colfieldsb fdcol fogdomecolour []
] "Skyboxes"
all of my skyboxes are located in one folder, skyboxes

ADD: i suppose i should add...

Code: Select all

masterterms = 0
newskypath = "skyboxes/starfield"

genskyitems = [
	guitext $arg2
	guistayopen [
		looplist f $arg1 [
			guibutton $f (format "%1 %2/%3" $arg3 $arg2 $f)
skyload = [
	if (>= (strstr "cloudbox skybox" (at $guirolloveraction 0)) 0) [
	] [
		skybox $skybox
showskyshot = [
	guistayopen [
		guilist [
			guiimage (format "<scale:128,128>packages/%1%2" (at $guirolloveraction 1) _ft) $skyload 4 1 data/rpg/logo			