Code: Select all
r_item_use_name "Fire Ball"
r_item_use_description "Fire is conjoured from the caster's finger tip and shot at its target."
r_item_use_cooldown 1000
r_item_use_chargeflags $CHARGE_MAG.
r_item_use_new_status 3 $ATTACK_MAGIC 0.3
r_item_use_slots $SLOT_LHAND
r_item_use_skill $SKILL_MAGIC
r_item_use_pflags $P_TIME
r_item_use_angle 0
r_item_use_lifetime 2000
r_item_use_gravity 0
r_item_use_projeffect 3
r_item_use_traileffect 4
r_item_use_deatheffect 5
r_item_use_ammo -1
r_item_use_cost 15
r_item_use_kickback 10
r_item_use_recoil 10
r_item_use_target $T_MULTI
r_item_use_speed 2
Status 3
Code: Select all
r_status_friendly 0
r_status_addgeneric $STATUS_HEALTH -160 0
But every time I spawn it, it spawns some rc called "Tough Cookie"
Its driving me crazy
I also tryed equiping the spell on one of my criiters so the critter will attack me with it but it doesn't work.