I am new here. You can call me Myst.
I am hoping someone can help me with this.
In 2012, I began with Sandbox , using version 2.71. I was looking for an rpg game builder. SB wasn't quite what I was looking for, at the time, so I just left it on my machine. Recently, I re-discovered the sidescroller-SSP mode, and how to launch it properly, so the camera angle is correct, duh. It was impressive, once I began to understand how it works. After weeks of testing and documenting, I was just about to begin building when I saw the change log for 2.82. There are moving enemies and platforms? That's just what I was looking for! How great is that??
Unfortunately, the ONE thing, I feel my sidescroller needs to have, seems to be missing from 2.82:
In 2.71, any armor, weapon/projectiles, coins, and lives all transferred to the the next map I loaded from the end checkpoint. In 2.82, it appears they do not. Am I correct? Is it no longer possible to transfer player stats to the next level in SSP mode?
I really want to have the platform and enemy movement, but I also want to have whatever the player has in the hud continue into the next level. I want them to be able to buy stuff with their coins or extra lives. I want them to get the special armor in one level and return to a previous level to use it to be able to "complete" that level (get all the coins, bananas, whatever). This worked in 2.71.
I downloaded 2.82 yesterday, and I have not quite figured out the ui replacement for guis. I got the uis functioning for the game, but since I don't know if the syntax is actually correct, I don't know if that could be messing with the level transitions.
Here is my 2.82 UI code from mygame.cfg file:
Code: Select all
// This is the checkpoint for the end of the game, where you get your password and continue on to the next level.
checkpoint_0 = [
//old showgui win
//This is the end level gui. It can be placed on a checkpoint end level item.
UIMenu "endlevel" [
uivlist 0 [
uitext "**** Congratulations! ****" 2
uispace 0 0.025 // this is a spacer! The larger the number the bigger the space
uitext "Hey, you made it! You finished this level! Well done!" 1.5
uitext "Here is your password, for the next level. Be sure to write it down!" 1.5
uitext "PASSWORD = xxxx (passwords are case sensitive!)" 1.5
uitext "Just click the button, below, to continue on to Level 2!" 1.5
uitext "If you are done playing the game, just click the Goodbye button." 1.5
uitext "You can return and use your password, to continue your game." 1.5
uitext "Note: If you forget, you will have to start at the beginning." 1.5
uispace 0 0.025
//The variable/alias "mapactionname" is written into the 2.71 main game as "temp" If you use it anywhere, be sure to define it.
//*********************** CHANGE THIS EVERY LEVEL!!! ********************
mapactionname = "mytemp2"
UIButton "Head Over To Level 2, Now!" [ map $mapactionname ]
uispace 0 0.025
UIButton "Goodbye - Exit Game Now!" [quit]
uispace 0 0.025
] "You Win!"
1. Is it possible to carry health, lives, armor, projectiles, and coins into the next level, using 2.82?
1a. If not, or if it would be easier, how would I go about getting the enemy animation and platform code (oh yes and the box explosion code) into 2.71 and recompiling?
2. Is my UI formatted correctly, or how should it be formatted for better function?
BTW- I don't know c++, but the syntax is similar to some other codes I have worked with. If I know which chunks of code need to go on what cpp/h page and the format/syntax does not have to change, I think I can figure it out.
Sorry, if my post is too long. Thanks, for any assistance with this!
Credendo Vides